Young and enthusiastic team led by experienced leaders in water management, always there to give the best answers and to find the best technical solutions. As a team, we always give our best to achieve highest results.

By using latest software programs, scientific & research methods as well as computer equipment we are able to deliver the most demanding projects/tasks, studies and consultancy projects across all water management segments.
Why Choose Us?
We have more than 70 years of experience in all water management fields.
Young, enthusiastic team led by experienced leaders in this job, always there to give the best answers and to find the best technical solutions.
As a team, we always give our best to achieve highest results.
Send us a message
Contact Information
Paromlinska 53E/I,
71 000 Sarajevo,
Bosna i Hercegovina
Phone: +387 33 728 610
Fax: +387 33 728 622
Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.